Could an Ecosystem Perspective Support the Creation of a Nonprofit Food System? A Theoretical Exploration of the Possibilities




non-profit food system, for-profit food system, systems, ecosystem perspective


Although food has been designated a human right, most countries do not provide the means for their citizens to exercise that right. As a result, food is treated as a commodity and sold for a profit to those who can afford it, leaving millions of people undernourished as food prices rise. One solution to this problem is the establishment of a nonprofit food system. A daunting prospect—how could this be carried out? One potentially useful approach that is increasingly being applied in social economy scholarship involves an ecosystem perspective, which takes account of not only social economy organizations but also the wider environments in which they operate. Could such a perspective support the creation of a nonprofit food system? This article explores the possibilities offered by applying an ecosystem perspective to a nonprofit food system. After providing some preliminary background information on food systems, it introduces the ecosystem perspective and affirms that it can indeed support the creation of a nonprofit food system.


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Special Issue - Ecosystem