Analysing the Social Economy Business Survey Index (S-BSI): Development, Features, and Effectiveness in Social Economy Policymaking and Evaluation




Social Economy Business Survey Index, social economy, social and economic value creation, policy effectiveness, next generation of public policy


This study delves into the Social Economy Business Survey Index (S-BSI), a tool designed to monitor the social and economic value generated within the social economy (SE) to furnish vital insights for timely public policy interventions. The study aims to comprehensively analyze the S-BSI, encompassing its development, distinctive features, and effectiveness as an advanced instrument for policymaking and evaluating the SE policy. The research methodology comprises an in-depth analysis of the S-BSI's development process, followed by multiple comparative analyses of similar surveys on a domestic and international scale. Furthermore, the study utilizes qualitative evaluation techniques grounded in the next-generation public policy framework for the SE sector. This multifaceted research approach aims to offer a holistic understanding of the S-BSI, delivering valuable insights tailored for policymakers and stakeholders engaged in shaping public policies for the SE.


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