Challenges on the Entrepreneurial Paths for Young People in Québec's Social Economy
youth, social economy, collective entrepreneurship, challengesAbstract
The social economy (SE) is a model of entrepreneurship that is becoming increasingly attractive to young people, many of whom are involved in it in a variety of roles. However, this interest does not come without its share of challenges. A deeper understanding of these challenges would allow for a better response to the needs of young people in the field. This article presents the results of a qualitative study conducted among 20 young collective entrepreneurs and 12 coaches working in SE in Québec. Several categories of challenges were identified, covering ideation and design, governance and management, finances, articulation between spheres of life, lack of support, as well as challenges specific to SE, such as a widespread lack of knowledge about what it is. In the end, we find that the challenges begin to manifest themselves even before the start of entrepreneurial practices. These challenges are frequently experienced outside SE, but the lack of knowledge about collective models and the inadequate resources for these models will amplify them.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sandrine Dupuis

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